Bird-watching is an incredibly popular hobby nowadays even amongst young people. It adds so much value to your travels to ensure a richly satisfying experience. The Western Cape prides itself in its floral kingdom which is called, “Fynbos” (fine bush). Fynbos includes proteas of which the King Protea, also South Africa’s national flower, is the largest . These flowers are pollinated by birds, bees and insects. Photo by Ed Raubenheimer.
Day 106 of Covid-19 Lockdown.

Day 106 of Covid-19 Lockdown. 10 July 2020
Agape Apartments is committed to feed the people in need!
The curve in the Western Cape has flattened with substantially fewer infections daily. The pattern follows exactly what was predicted as we all live by very stick social distancing rules, make use of face masks and each business offers hand sanitization when one enters.
Agape Apartments subscribe to the strictest Covi-19 protocol and have welcomed business travelers in the last month. With the apartments 15 M. apart, with our house-keeping staff member living on the premises with us permanently and being owner run and adhering to the highest level of sanitation and health specifications, potential health risks are absolutely minimized. Your, and our safety and security are of paramount importance to us in offering luxury self-catering accommodation to our guests in a tranquil setting. Going forward we will continue these protocols and are looking forward to welcoming holiday makers soon again!
So, what have we been doing in all this time of lockdown? Apart from working on the increase of our waistlines, Peter is building a model boat, writing a new novel and Vanessa has been gardening and of course her social responsibility towards our vulnerable communities in the Helderberg area has kept her very busy.
It is so imperative to work with reputable organizations in this field and therefore we are honored to partner with our local Methodist church. Vanessa has been part of a team sewing tracksuits and beanies for the under privileged. In total the following was donated last week:- Tracksuits - 145; Blankets - 17; Beanies - 228; Jerseys - 54; Teddies and other soft toys - 104; Booties & gloves - 7; Scarves - 23. Furthermore, 50 stuffed toys were also donated.
In addition, Vanessa has been cooking lunch for the Somerset West Street People, making soup for various Soup Kitchens on an on-going basis and has also tied up with Rise Against Hunger www. whereby the church has supplied 2180 meals for people in need last week too! This is a project which the Coronation Avenue Methodist church is committed to and where we are now supplying food parcels from RAH to the vulnerable areas whereby the local communities are trained to cook these meals themselves and serve their own people in need. This project is run and coordinated by Vanessa in conjunction with the Methodist Church.
Any donations towards this Rise Against Hunger food program is highly appreciated. Donations can be made to the following account, with the Reference RAH. 100% of this donation, with the Reference 'RAH' will go to feeding a person or people in need.
Banking Details:- Methodist Church of Southern Africa, First National Bank, Somerset West, Account No. 53681047214, Reference:- RAH (Rise Against Hunger)
Further Reading
10 Maerz 2020 Ja, auch Sued Afrika ist betroffen von dieser weltweiten Pandemie. Unser President, Cyril Ramaphosa, war sehr zuversichtlich und hat schon ganz frueh einen Nationalen Lockdown angekuendigt, der dann 4 Tage spaeter in Kraft getreten ist, am 27 Maerz 2020. Das ist genau in der Mitte unserer Hoch-Saison und Agape Apartments hat auch noch Gaeste geherbergt! Ploetzlich wurden Fluege storniert, unser Grenzen wurden dicht gemach und die Flughaefen geschlossen.
Find out why it is super cool to stay in your own apartment when exploring the Cape Wine Region and Cape Town.
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